Buffalo, NY Lawyer

True Heros

Buffalo firefighters hung drapes of mourning outside two firehouses on Jefferson Avenue and Main Street on Monday, out of respect for Lt. Charles W. "Chip" McCarthy Jr. and Firefighter Jonathan S. Croom. As reported in the Buffalo News "But the black and dark blue bunting was only one of the signs that fellow firefighters were just beginning to come to terms with their loss. Eyes were rimmed red... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer

UB Law 2011

Welcome UB Law class of 2011! You all have worked incredibly hard to get to where you are and we are proud and excited for you choosing UB Law. All the attorneys at our firm graduated from UB Law and we would be more than happy to have any of you come visit us in downtown Buffalo. I mean... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer


The Buffalo News reported today that the Town of Amherst last Monday became the first Erie County municipality to pass a law that would prohibit drivers from composing, reading or sending a text message while behind the wheel. Violators face a $150 fine for each offense. It also reported that the Cattaraugus County Legislature passed a similar law in June. Niagara County and Erie County legislatur... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer


Two Buffalo firefighters died today fighting an early morning blaze on Genessee Street near Wende Street in Buffalo, New York. We have had many firefighter friends and clients over the years and every one is a dedicated professional willing to put his or her life on the line to serve our community. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friend during this difficult time.... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer

Clarence firefighters honored for heroic flight 3407 response

As reported in the Buffalo News August 19,2009 " Members of the Clarence Center Fire Department were honored today at the opening ceremony of the 137th annual New York State Firemen's Association annual convention." A special citation was awarded to the firefighters for their heroic response to the Feb. 12 crash of Flight 3407. The annual convention is in the City of Niagara Falls for more than... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer

Hudson plane-helicopter crash- preventable fatal tragedies continue

According to the New York Times "Roughly 15 years ago, the federal agency that investigates air disasters(NTSA) made a plea for more data on the air-tour industry, to improve safety for helicopter, airplane, balloon and airship flights around the nation. Six years later, it asked again." Preventable fatal tragedies continue. "Deborah A. P. Hersman, the safety board chairwoman, in an interview Thu... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer


In a New York Times article "Steven J. Korotky, a flight instructor, called the uncontrolled Hudson River air traffic corridor a “tunnel,” and a tight one at that.Kenneth Jacobsen, who has flown privately chartered helicopters in New York since 1982, said that while he considered aviation safe in the congested skies above the river, there could be a dozen or so aircraft to contend with at peak... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer

Pinnacle President admits Flight 3407 pilot should not have been flying

A recent Buffalo News article reported that the President of Pinnalce Airlines admitted that the pilot in this crash should not have flown. The pilot of that plane, Capt. Marvin Renslow, had failed three federal "check rides" before Colgan hired him. The article reported that Colgan never double-checked with federal officials to see whether Renslow's application -- which listed only one failed che... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer


The New York Times reported July 30, 2009 that Charles E. Schumer, along with three other Senators are sponsoring a bill to curb texting while driving. The legislature in New York recently passed such a measure and sent it to the governor for a signature. Currently texting while driving is banned only in 14 states. Studie... CONTINUE READING

Buffalo, NY Lawyer

GAO reports violating truck and bus companies stay on the road

WASHINGTON — Hundreds of tractor-trailer and bus companies ordered to shut down because of federal safety violations ranging from suspended licenses to possible drug use have stayed on the road by using different names, investigators say. The study by the Government Accountability Office, obtained Wednesday by T... CONTINUE READING

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