Poor weather conditions can significantly increase the risk of tractor trailers jackknifing. When the trailer portion of a tractor trailer starts moving faster or in a slightly different angle than the tractor portion of the rig, jackknifing can happen very quickly causing truck accident. These jackknife truck accidents can be devastating. They can wipe out multiple vehicles. They often seem spontaneous, blocking lanes of traffic suddenly, and creating emergency for vehicles nearby or behind the truck.
There are other reasons for semi-jackknife truck accidents, such as speed, improper loading, driver inattention to name a few. It is important to look at physics early in the investigation. What factors caused the movement of the tractor to shift from its natural following position behind the tractor of the 18 wheeler.
Improper loading can contribute to a truck jackknifing. Improper maintenance of the tractor and trailer, especially the braking systems can be a factor in a jackknife accident. In this blog we will discuss how the weather may be a factor in a big rig jackknifing.
Rain or Standing Water:
• The layer of water between truck tires and roadway reduces friction
• The layer of water can cause hydroplaning, a condition where tires lose contact with the road surface completely
• Roadway water increases stopping distance
• Wet roads may reduce the effectiveness of brakes, if brake components become wet
Ice and Snow:
• Drastically reduces tire traction, sometimes to near-zero in black ice conditions
• Can create uneven road surfaces that can alter maneuverability. Think of driving with one tire and the path made by other vehicles, and your second tire in heavier snow. The heavier snow on one side of your vehicle will cause your vehicle to move in that direction.
• Snow buildup between dual tires can cause uneven traction
• Patches of ice or snow can cause one side of the vehicle to brake or slide differently than the other
Strong Winds:
• Can push against the tall, flat surface of the trailer, creating sideways force against the trailer. A driver may overcompensate to the push of the strong wind. This can cause the tractor and the trailer to move in different directions causing the jackknife truck accident
• Empty trailers are especially vulnerable to wind. At times portions of the New York State through have been closed due to weather to reduce the potential danger of big rig accidents.
• Wind gusts are especially dangerous in open areas and on bridges
Fog and Poor Visibility:
• Makes it harder for drivers to spot hazards early.
• Drivers must adjust their speed for reduced visibility.
• Limited visibility often causes the truck driver to sudden brake. This is particularly true in areas where visibility suddenly worsens, such as in a snow squall, like those we often see in Erie County, Chautauqua County, Genesee County, New York, around Syracuse and Watertown, New York.
• Reduced visibility isn’t limited to occurring during snow squalls. It can occur in heavy rain or smoke.

Operating a truck in adverse weather conditions is addressed in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Truck drivers are required to reduce their speed, or even stop driving if there are hazardous conditions. That is a subject for a different blog.
If you have questions about a jackknife truck accident or other truck crash you should contact an experienced truck accident lawyer. A truck accident attorney has experience and familiarity with factors that contribute to a truck accident . This may include repeated bad conduct by the trucking company, safety violations, allowing drivers to drive in a fatigued condition and more. If you have questions you can call the truck accident attorneys, including John Feroleto at Feroletolaw, 716-854-0700 or email for a confidential free consultation.

Attorney John Feroleto

Attorney John Feroleto understands the value of hard work. He is known in the community and by his peers for his willingness to work and go the extra mile. Other lawyers often ask John to handle their trial matters to maximize clients’ recovery. Trial lawyers know who the best trial lawyers are. He was also named Trial Attorney of the Year in 2012 by the Western New York Affiliate of New York State Trial Lawyers Association. [ Attorney Bio ]

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