This Sunday you can run the flat and fast Erie Basin Marina course in the Headway Walk, Run,& Wheel 5K. The registration is HERE, you will find a discount box, enter the code: WRW for a five dollar discount.
A second discount has been added, there is now a second box with an additional five dollar discount. The code is: LAW. If you preregister by September 10 , you can run the race for $15 and support a great cause helping people with brain injuries and their families! T-shirt, food by Templeton Landing and you can be back before the Bills home opener. Hope to see you there. John Feroleto.

Attorney John Feroleto
Attorney John Feroleto understands the value of hard work. He is known in the community and by his peers for his willingness to work and go the extra mile. Other lawyers often ask John to handle their trial matters to maximize clients’ recovery. Trial lawyers know who the best trial lawyers are. He was also named Trial Attorney of the Year in 2012 by the Western New York Affiliate of New York State Trial Lawyers Association. [ Attorney Bio ]