This blog provides more information in response to a question on how to prevent truck accidents. It is also important for a truck accident attorney in looking at the cause of a truck wreck. It explains trucker training on safe operation of a commercial vehicle. The training is called the Smith System.
The Smith System is a defensive driving training program designed for professional truck drivers to prevent truck accidents. It is used by many big trucking companies across the United States and Canada. The Smith System was developed the 1950s by Harold Smith. It focuses on five key principles that drivers should employ. If they follow the system they can anticipate and usually avoid potential road hazards. The rules are:
Aim High in Steering
• This principle provides that truck drivers to look far ahead down the road, typically 15-20 seconds ahead of their current position. By scanning the road well in advance, drivers can anticipate potential problems. They can plan lane changes, and make informed decisions in advance to avoid a truck accident.
Get the Big Picture
• The second safety principle involves maintaining awareness of the entire driving environment, a trucker can do this by using all mirrors to be aware of all surrounding traffic in case there needs to be a lane change, slow down or stop. Truck drivers are trained to continuously scan their entire field of view. This includes checking mirrors every 5-8 seconds and being aware of vehicles in all directions, especially being aware of vehicles entering blind spots.
Keep Your Eyes Moving
• Continuous eye movement prevents driver fatigue. It also provides comprehensive situational awareness. Drivers should avoid fixating on one spot and only looking straight ahead can be dangerous, The goal is to consistently scan the road, mirrors, and surrounding traffic. Fixing on one spot or staring strait ahead for long periods can cause what is known in the industry as “highway hypnotism”, a slowed reaction time.
Leave Yourself an Out
• From the perspective of a truck accident attorney who has handled truck crash cases for decades, this is the most important principle of all. It focuses on keeping a safe space cushion or space bubble around the truck. Truck drivers should always position their rigs to have multiple escape routes in case of sudden emergencies. Maintaining safe following distances and avoiding being boxed in by other vehicles, is key in preventable truck accidents, whether the other vehicles are trucks or cars.
Make Sure They See You
• This involves proactively ensuring other drivers are aware of the truck’s presence. This includes being predictable in movements such as slowdowns or lane changes. This includes using turn signals early, using headlights and maintaining proper consistent positions in lanes.
The Smith System is more than a set of rules. It is a systematic approach to prevent truck accidents. It saves lives, reduces the risk of terrible serious injuries and makes our roadways safer for all of us. It is among the most widely used driver training programs for trucking companies, delivery services, and other commercial transportation businesses. Many trucking companies even require their drivers to periodically refresh their Smith System training to keep safety at the forefront.
Attorney John Feroleto
Attorney John Feroleto understands the value of hard work. He is known in the community and by his peers for his willingness to work and go the extra mile. Other lawyers often ask John to handle their trial matters to maximize clients’ recovery. Trial lawyers know who the best trial lawyers are. He was also named Trial Attorney of the Year in 2012 by the Western New York Affiliate of New York State Trial Lawyers Association. [ Attorney Bio ]