Motorcycle accidents are a significant concern on our roads, often resulting in severe injuries or death for riders. As a car or truck driver, you play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of motorcyclists. This guide outlines key strategies and practices to help you avoid motorcycle accidents and contribute to safer roads for all of us.

Increase Your Awareness

The first step in avoiding motorcycle accidents is to actively look for motorcycles on the road in warmer weather.  Motorcycles are smaller than cars and can be easily obscured by other vehicles, road features, or weather conditions. Make it a habit to:

  • Check your mirrors and blind spots frequently, especially before changing lanes or turning
  • Take an extra moment to look for motorcycles entering intersections before proceeding
  • Be particularly vigilant during peak riding seasons and in areas popular with motorcyclists.

Understand Motorcycle Movements

Motorcycles maneuver differently than cars and trucks. They can change speed and position within a lane more quickly, which might catch you off guard. Keep in mind:

  • A motorcycle’s smaller size may make it seem farther away and move slower than it actually is.
  • Motorcycles may adjust their position within a lane to avoid road hazards such as potholes or items in the roadway or to improve visibility.
  • Riders may slow down by downshifting or rolling off the throttle without activating the brake light.

Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Tailgating is dangerous for any vehicle, but it’s especially hazardous for motorcycles. Motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars in some conditions, which could lead to a rear-end collision if you’re following too closely. Always:

  • Keep at least a 4-second following distance behind motorcycles.
  • Increase this distance at higher speeds, in poor weather or road conditions.
  • Be prepared for sudden stops or evasive maneuvers by the motorcyclist.

Be Cautious at Intersections

Intersection accidents with motorcycles are among the most common motorcycle accidents, often due to drivers failing to yield the right of way. To reduce risks:

  • Always come to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights.
  • Look left, right, and left again before proceeding through an intersection.
  • Don’t assume a motorcycle’s turn signals are intentional; they may have been left on accidentally.

Signal Your Intentions Clearly

Clear communication on the road is vital for preventing accidents. Make your intentions known to motorcyclists by:

  • Using your turn signals well in advance of turning or changing lanes
  • Avoiding sudden movements or lane changes
  • Checking for motorcycles before merging onto highways or changing lanes.

Be Extra Careful When Turning Left

Left turns are particularly dangerous for motorcyclists, as drivers often misjudge their speed or fail to see them altogether. When making left turns:

  • Take extra time to look for oncoming motorcycles.
  • If you see a motorcycle, wait for it to pass before turning.
  • Don’t assume you have time to turn just because a motorcycle is farther away; they may be approaching faster than it seems.

Eliminate Distractions

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents. To ensure you’re fully focused on the road:

  • Put away your phone and avoid other electronic devices while driving.
  • Limit conversations with passengers in high-traffic areas, congested areas, or commercial areas with many vehicles turning into or out of driveways.
  • Avoid eating, drinking, or grooming while driving.

Adjust for Weather and Road Conditions

Poor weather and road conditions affect motorcycles more severely than cars. In challenging conditions:

  • Increase your following distance.
  • Be prepared for sudden movements as motorcyclists avoid puddles, potholes, or debris.
  • Use extra caution in low-visibility situations like rain, fog, or nighttime.

Respect Lane Splitting When Legal

In some jurisdictions, motorcycles are allowed to ride between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic, known as lane splitting. In New York it is not legal; however, you could be driving in an area where it is allowed, so you should:

  • Be aware that motorcycles may appear suddenly between lanes.
  • Avoid suddenly changing lanes or opening car doors without checking for motorcycles.

Share the Road Respectfully

Remember that motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other road users. They are entitled to a full lane of traffic. Foster a culture of mutual respect by:

  • Treating motorcyclists with courtesy and patience.
  • Avoiding aggressive driving behaviors.
  • Recognizing that motorcyclists are very vulnerable in the event of a collision.

Stay Educated and Informed

Continuously educating yourself about motorcycle safety can make you a better, more aware driver. Consider:

  • Taking a defensive driving course that includes motorcycle awareness. This may also have the benefit of reducing your insurance rates.
  • Staying informed about local traffic laws regarding motorcycles.
  • Learning about common causes of motorcycle accidents to better avoid them.

Contact Feroleto Law Firm Today

As a car driver, you have a significant responsibility to help keep our roads safe, including preventing motorcycle accidents. By increasing your awareness, understanding motorcycle behavior, and practicing safe driving habits, you can greatly reduce the risk of crashes with motorcycles. Remember, every time you get behind the wheel, you have the power to make the roads safer for all of us, including motorcyclists. Your attentiveness and consideration can save lives and ensure that all of us reach our destination safely. Stay safe.

Feroleto Law is the best choice for motorcycle accident attorneys in the Buffalo Niagara Region. Please contact us today at 716-854-0700 to schedule a free case evaluation. We only charge legal fees if your case is won or is settled out of court — we are ready to help you.

Attorney John Feroleto

Attorney John Feroleto understands the value of hard work. He is known in the community and by his peers for his willingness to work and go the extra mile. Other lawyers often ask John to handle their trial matters to maximize clients’ recovery. Trial lawyers know who the best trial lawyers are. He was also named Trial Attorney of the Year in 2012 by the Western New York Affiliate of New York State Trial Lawyers Association. [ Attorney Bio ]

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