Manage space. As a car or truck driver it is the most important thing you can do to prevent a crash. As a truck accident attorney, who also handles many car crashes. I can identify off the top of my head the number of feet a car travels per second at a certain speed. Also, the perception reaction time, which many experts testify is about 1.5 seconds – that is the time from which you see a hazard, your brain computes it and the time your foot actually hits the brake pedal.
At 60 mi./h a car travels 88 ft./s or 132 feet in 1.5 seconds. It’s about the distance you travel before your foot even hits the brake.
If you look at the three big rig collision that closed the I 90 this morning in Buffalo, New York or the five car pileup on the I 290 in Tonawanda, Erie County, which closed the highway for a time a few days ago, if you’re traveling to see loved ones in the next week, give the other drivers plenty of space and have good holidays.

Attorney John Feroleto
Attorney John Feroleto understands the value of hard work. He is known in the community and by his peers for his willingness to work and go the extra mile. Other lawyers often ask John to handle their trial matters to maximize clients’ recovery. Trial lawyers know who the best trial lawyers are. He was also named Trial Attorney of the Year in 2012 by the Western New York Affiliate of New York State Trial Lawyers Association. [ Attorney Bio ]