New York State led the nation in the percentage of traffic fatalities for pedestrians and bicyclists last year. In Erie County, New York alone there were 1,425 accidents with bicyclists and 2,223  with pedestrians, totaling, l3,648. This is far too many and we need to do a better job. 38 of the vehicle – pedestrian incidents were fatal and 5 vehicle – bicycle crashes were also fatal. This does not include the many very serious collisions causing multiple fractures, brain injury, etc.

First and foremost, whether you’re driving a car, riding a bike or walking, please be alert to others – lives  change in a matter of seconds.

We at Feroleto Law give away  free  illuminated safety bracelets.  They are red and  have a light that flashes in several different modes.  You can use them when you run, walk your dog, ride a bicycle, etc. – You would be hard to miss if you have one flashing.  If you would like a free illuminated blinking safety light contact Megan at our office – it may prevent a terrible accident.

Attorney John Feroleto

Attorney John Feroleto understands the value of hard work. He is known in the community and by his peers for his willingness to work and go the extra mile. Other lawyers often ask John to handle their trial matters to maximize clients’ recovery. Trial lawyers know who the best trial lawyers are. He was also named Trial Attorney of the Year in 2012 by the Western New York Affiliate of New York State Trial Lawyers Association. [ Attorney Bio ]

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    Buffalo, NY 14202

    (716) 854-0700